Our Beneficiaries

African, Afro-diasporic, Indigenous and People of Colour

We provide culturally sensitive support, advocacy and empowerment to Black, Indigenous and People of Colour who have fled from the Ukraine and other war-affected countries to Berlin and beyond.

We also provide support to all other people affected by racism and anti-Blackness, as well as other forms of discrimination such as homophobia, Islamophobia and sexism.

Related statistics

Since February 2022, approximately 37,000 BIPoC have fled Ukraine to Germany as so-called third-country nationals (as of 12/13/2022). Own estimates put the number of BIPoC who fled Ukraine at up to 10,000 in Berlin alone.

Numerous studies indicate that the situation of Black people in Germany is characterised by everyday experiences of racism (see Afrozensus 2020 and FRA report “Being Black in the EU” 2023). The consequences of racism include physical and/or mental illness as well as lack of access to society, avoidance strategies or educational poverty. This is the context for and of our ongoing work as an organisation.

Related statistics

tubman.network is a non-profit organisation


Since February 2022, approximately 37,000 BIPoC have fled Ukraine to Germany as so-called third-country nationals

February 2022

BIPoC have fled Ukraine to Germany as so-called third-country nationals

BIPoC fled Ukraine to Germany

estimates put the number of BIPoC who fled Ukraine at up to 10,000 in Berlin alone

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