Our Purpose

According to our constitution our purpose is defined as follows:

a) The promotion of assistance for those persecuted for political, racial, or religious reasons, refugees, displaced persons, resettlers, war victims’ survivors, war-disabled, and prisoners of war, civilian victims and disabled persons, as well as assistance for victims of crime (§ 52 (2), sentence 1 No. 1 AO). This purpose is particularly achieved through the promotion and implementation of charitable emergency measures to ensure sustenance and clothing, psychological and psychotherapeutic counselling, assistance with administrative procedures and housing searches, provision of language courses, as well as public education about the problems of affected individuals and conducting educational work, training, workshops, and publications on issues related to discrimination-free coexistence of people with different social, cultural, religious, and geographical backgrounds as well as different sexual orientations and worldviews.

b) The promotion of science and research (§ 52 (2), sentence 1 No. 1 AO). This purpose is particularly achieved through the conduct of research and opinion polls with a socio-political focus for the common good and the publication and dissemination of research results.

c) The promotion of youth and elderly assistance (§ 52 (2), sentence 1 No. 4 AO). This purpose is particularly achieved through the establishment and management of kindergartens, the organisation and implementation of regular meetings for young people, the organisation and implementation of tutoring offers, the organisation and implementation of seminars and courses for study and career orientation, free counselling for job applications, free counselling for integration into the labour market, and the organisation and implementation of mentoring programs.

d) The promotion of art and culture (§ 52 (2), sentence 1 No. 5 AO). This purpose is particularly achieved through the conduct of readings, lectures, seminars, workshops, training sessions, courses, information events, discussion groups, as well as providing literature and media related to the art and cultural history, present, and future of People of Color.

e) The promotion of education, popular and vocational education, including student aid (§ 52 (2), sentence 1 No. 7 AO). This purpose is particularly achieved through the conduct of lectures, seminars, courses, training sessions, courses, information events, discussion groups within the association and at other independent organisations on the life realities of People of Color.

f) The promotion of international understanding, tolerance in all areas of culture and the idea of international understanding (§ 52 (2), sentence 1 No. 13 AO). This purpose is particularly achieved through participation in and organisation of congresses, network events, publications, and other events as well as communication activities to bring together various stakeholders and particularly economic, social, and political decision-makers, leaders, and representatives of civil society to motivate and engage them for sustainable, inclusive, and participatory planning (e.g. in legislative processes, urban planning) that includes people with migration or racism experiences, counteracts segregation, and ensures safe escape and public spaces for all.

g) The promotion of development cooperation (§ 52 (2), sentence 1 No. 15 AO). This purpose is particularly achieved through the conduct of training sessions, workshops, and other events particularly to strengthen help for self-help and self-responsibility of regions, communities, and people of the global South, for ecological and economic resource use as well as through the establishment and expansion of daycare centres, the training of teachers and participation in and organisation of congresses, network events, publications, and other events as well as communication activities to educate about the influences of globalisation on countries of the global South and their people and to motivate development policymakers to social responsibility.

f) The association may, to achieve its idealistic purposes, also act as a fundraising organisation within the meaning of § 58 AO, especially for foreign projects.

Our Aims

In accordance of our constitution, the aims of the association are:
  • to empower and network Africans, Black people of African and Afro-diasporic origin, Indigenous people, and People of Color,
  • to connect the African diaspora with the African continent,
  • to contribute to an inclusive society through the activities of the association,
  • to combat racist discrimination within the meaning of Article 1 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.


Our association operates selflessly, prioritising its altruistic goals over economic gain. Funds are strictly allocated to statutory purposes, with members not entitled to profits or benefits. Fairness is upheld in expenses and remuneration, with no favouritism allowed. Research results must be promptly disclosed. Organ members may receive appropriate remuneration, determined by the supervisory board or voting members, and expenses reimbursed under tax law regulations.

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